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Skin Cancer Screening

General Information

Make skin screenings part of your routine

The skin is the largest organ of the body, covering and protecting internal tissue. It also protects the body against germs; prevents the loss of too much water and other fluids; and sends messages to the brain about heat, cold, touch and pain.

There are two groups of skin cancers known as melanomas and non-melanomas. The non-melanoma group includes the basal cell and squamous cell cancers and are by far the most common type of skin cancers. Because the non-melanoma skin cancers rarely spread elsewhere in the body, they are less worrisome than melanoma. Melanoma is less common than the other skin cancers, and while it is almost always curable in early stages, it can spread to other parts of the body and is far more serious than non-melanoma skin cancers.
It is important to identify skin cancers early when more curative treatment options are available. The best method for finding skin cancers early is through regular self-skin exams and annual skin checks with your health care provider. When doing self-skin exams, keep the ABCDEs in mind.

Asymmetry – one half does not match the other
Border irregularity – edges are blurred or notched
Color – the color is not the same over the entire mole
Diameter – the mole is wider than ¼ inch or is growing
Evolving – when the mole changes in any way

We can help

Goshen Physicians offers total body screenings or spot checks to look for signs of pre-cancerous or cancerous growths. Need a doctor? All of our Goshen Physicians primary care offices are welcoming new patients. Call (574) 537-5000 or review our list of offices. 

Know the ABCDEs of spot checking

ABCDE Graphic800x no white space

Sun safety tips

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