Have you ever thought about how your mood gets darker as daylight hours get shorter? You may have seasonal affective disorder, or SAD. It’s a depressive disorder that comes and goes in a seasonal pattern.

A cancer journey can present a host of challenges that affect all areas of your life. That’s why it’s important to set boundaries that help you take care of your physical, mental and emotional health.

The first time Barbara Sheets had a breast biopsy, she felt relieved. The suspicious spot was nothing more than fibroid tumors—not cancer. A second biopsy years later showed the same result.

Darrell Moore didn’t know much about cancer or how it feels to go through months of treatment. He had talked with his mom about her breast cancer and heard stories about battles with the disease from friends and coworkers.

A lifelong routine of exercise has many benefits as you age. It’s good for your heart, bones and metabolism. Strength and endurance exercises also can help you maintain your independence.

The last thing Angie had time for was a stomachache after a retirement luncheon at her workplace. She had three grandchildren at home who depended on her every day and a full-time job at a RV manufacturer that kept her busy nonstop.

When you’re stressed or overwhelmed, finding a sense of calm can be difficult. One way to soothe yourself is to use a mind-body app that guides you through exercises to quiet your mind and relax.

Ken Yoder was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when he wasn't quite three years old. His parents noticed he was drinking and urinating a lot, so they took him to the doctor, who referred them to a specialist in Indianapolis.

You and your heart probably have a good rhythm going. In fact, you may not even pay attention to the familiar lub-dub beat that happens about one time every second.

Heart problems are nothing new for Joyce, having a father and grandparents with major heart issues. She herself has lived with occasional pain in her chest and an irregular heartbeat since her pregnancy decades ago.

Chris Knapp had no reason to question his health. He had been healthy all his life. The last doctor he had seen was his pediatrician when he was age 12. That was decades ago.

Feeling stressed or anxious? Try taking a few deep breaths.