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Stress keeping you awake? 6 tips to better sleeping during stressful times

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Sheltering in place has disrupted just about every aspect of our lives, including normal sleep cycles. If you're longing for eight hours of uninterrupted, peaceful sleep again, try these steps to relax, let go and fall asleep.

Set a schedule. Choose a consistent time to turn off the lights and get some shut-eye. Time cues for waking up and length of sleep also can relieve an overloaded brain.

Take a news break. Find the right balance between staying informed about current events and consuming too much information. Social media may help you combat isolation or loneliness, but don't let it feed your stress.

Limit screen time. When you check your phone, watch TV, stare at your computer particularly in the evening, your brain has a hard time winding down. Set a shut-down time for digital devices, including the TV, at least one hour before bedtime.

Move, move, move. Daily exercise helps improve blood flow, breathing and heart rate. It also helps you sleep better.

Get your rhythm in sync. Our natural body clock – called circadian rhythm – helps us maintain a healthy immune system. And that can help fight off disease or infection, like COVID-19. Maintain a normal routine as much as possible to keep your body functions coordinated.

Dedicate worry time. Set aside a few minutes each day to make a list of concerns or worries. Then put the list in a place away from the bedroom. The process helps turn off your brain so you can sleep.

If you’ve been having problems sleeping for some time, you may want to talk to your primary care provider. There are newer treatment options to help you get the rest you deserve. For more information, click here or call Goshen Sleep Disorders Center at (574) 537-8530 with your questions.

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*Note: Some offices may require a referral to schedule an appointment.