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Consejos para que toda la familia coma sano y se sienta mejor

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Living a healthy lifestyle can be a challenge for many families – particularly after months of sheltering in place.

Here are tips to help your family get the nutrients they need from a variety of foods.

Fuel up on healthy foods

Healthy eating is one of the most important things we do to help our bodies function well every day. A plate filled with the right portions from five food groups gives our bodies key ingredients that strengthen bones, build strong muscles and give us more energy.

Check out this video on the right mix of foods to help you build a healthy eating style. You'll learn how the MyPlate plan focuses on variety, portion sizes and nutritional value.

Add color to every plate

You also can boost your immune system by eating a rainbow of colorful fruits and vegetables. It's a great way to help fight off disease or infection and recover faster if you do get sick.

Watch a video on how to fill your plate with a variety of nutrient-rich produce that helps everyone in your family stay strong and healthy.

Use signals to guide choices

Another way to use color as a guide for your food choices is to follow the traffic signal system. The green, red and yellow colors give you an easy way to make healthy food choices.

This video explains what foods fit the go, slow or whoa category on your path to healthy eating.

Check out free tools and resources

Explore free videos, tips and tools to give the whole family new ways to think about healthy eating and feeling better.

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