Citas virtuales de planificación anticipada de la atención disponibles en Goshen Health
Free advance care planning assistance offered by Goshen Health can help start a conversation about how you want to live at the end of life.
Goshen Health facilitators, certified by Honoring Choices Indiana – North Central, offer guidance on how to create an advance care plan, complete advance directives and designate a healthcare representative.
Virtual advance care planning appointments are available during daytime and evening hours. The visit is free of charge for adults of any age. You must register in advance at A family member or close friend who will be involved with your healthcare decisions may also participate in the conversation.
An advance care plan is one of the best gifts adults of any age can give their loved ones. The written instructions document decisions about medical care you want if you if you face a serious illness or life-limiting injury.
"When you put your directives into a written document, you lift a burden from family members or caregivers," said Rev. Donald Johnson, Goshen Health Spiritual Care Coordinator. "Your healthcare representative can turn to your plan to make medical decisions on your behalf if you can't communicate for yourself."
Honoring Choices Indiana – North Central is a non-profit organization that engages people in conversations with loved ones and medical providers about their goals for quality of life and advance care planning.
For more information about advance care planning services at Goshen Health, call (574) 364-2288. To request a virtual appointment, visit