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Debido al aumento de enfermedades respiratorias en la comunidad, Goshen Hospital ha implementado restricciones para las visitas. Infórmese.

¿Tiene demasiado sueño para conducir?


To draw attention to people driving while sleepy, the National Sleep Foundation designates one week each year as Drowsy Driving Prevention Week. This year, it’s Oct. 25 to 31.

According to the foundation’s “Sleep in America” poll, “60% of Americans have driven while feeling sleepy and 37% admit to actually having fallen asleep at the wheel in the past year.”

“With more than one in three people admitting they’ve fallen asleep at the wheel in just the past year, that’s a huge safety issue – not just for the driver, but for all of us,” said Dr. Sultan Niazi, Medical Director of Goshen Sleep Disorders Center. “Many people don’t recognize when they’re about to fall asleep. If you’re alone in your car, pulling over to take a break – and a nap – is the best solution.”

The topic of drowsy driving also gives sleep experts the opportunity to ask the larger question: Are you getting good, restorative sleep each night?

"Sleep affects every part of our lives," said Dr. Niazi. "Untreated sleep disorders and poor sleep habits reduce our productivity at work, academic performance and quality of life. Poor sleep can also be a sign of health problems like heart disease.”

On the positive side, treatment for insomnia, sleep apnea and narcolepsy can give you a whole new outlook on life. The Sleep Disorders Center offers diagnostic tests that can be done at home or at the sleep center. The first step is to talk to your primary care physician.
The next time you’re driving, here are some signs you may need to stop and rest: difficulty focusing, heavy eyelids, wandering or disconnected thoughts, missing exits or traffic signs, yawning and drifting from your lane.

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Aviso: Algunos consultorios pueden exigir una remisión de un profesional en salud para poder programar una cita