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Debido al aumento de enfermedades respiratorias en la comunidad, Goshen Hospital ha implementado restricciones para las visitas. Infórmese.

Goshen Hospital reconocido por su excelencia en atención materna e infantil


The Birthplace at Goshen Hospital was recognized with the INspire: Hospital of Distinction 2023 award from the Indiana Hospital Association, in partnership with Governor Eric J. Holcomb and State Health Commissioner Lindsay Weaver, M.D., FACEP, at the fourth annual INspire Hospital of Distinction recognition program.

INspire encourages birthing hospitals to implement best-practice care for Hoosier moms and babies and recognizes hospitals for excellence in addressing key factors of maternal and infant health – with the goal of reducing maternal and infant mortality. The seven key areas evaluated included infant safe sleep, breastfeeding, tobacco prevention and cessation, perinatal substance use, obstetric hemorrhage, maternal hypertension and social determinants of health.

“Our team invests their energy and hearts into providing the best care for every mother and baby,” said Kristi Miller, Director of The Birthplace at Goshen Hospital. “We are honored and excited to receive this recognition for the exceptional care we provide at The Birthplace! Our mission of improving the health of our communities aligns well with the Indiana Hospital Association’s efforts to reduce maternal and infant mortality.”

This is the fourth year Goshen Hospital’s Birthplace has received this recognition. Indiana Hospital Association serves as the professional trade association for more than 170 acute care, critical access, behavioral health and other specialized hospitals in Indiana.

For the fourth year in a row, Colleagues of The Birthplace at Goshen Health received the INspire Award from Indiana Hospital Association for providing excellent care to mothers and their infants.

The Birthplace I Nspire award 20231207
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