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Debido al aumento de enfermedades respiratorias en la comunidad, Goshen Hospital ha implementado restricciones para las visitas. Infórmese.

Pruebas de detección cuando las desee

When was the last time you had a health screening? Most of us know health screenings are one of the most important healthcare strategies for early diagnosis and treatment. But the hardest part is fitting these tests into our busy schedules. To help, we now offer weekday appointments that work for you. You pick the day and time.

Best of all, our healthcare professionals will answer your questions and can make simple recommendations based on your results. Unless noted otherwise, the following health screenings are free:
•    Blood pressure, pulse and blood oxygen level
•    Body mass index
•    Bone density heel scan (women over 50 only)
•    Cholesterol ($20 fee, prepayment required)
•    Diabetes risk assessment

To schedule your screening, please call (574) 364-2496.
¿Es usted un paciente nuevo o existente?
Aviso: Algunos consultorios pueden exigir una remisión de un profesional en salud para poder programar una cita