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Debido al aumento de enfermedades respiratorias en la comunidad, Goshen Hospital ha implementado restricciones para las visitas. Infórmese.

Conozca los signos del cáncer de piel durante el Mes de Concientización sobre el Cáncer de Piel


As we enter Skin Cancer Awareness Month, Goshen Health encourages everyone in our community to protect their skin and know the signs of skin cancer. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States, but it is very preventable and can often be cured when it is found and treated early.

You can reduce your risk of developing skin cancer by following a few simple rules:

  • Choose shade particularly between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. when the sun’s rays are the strongest.
  • Wear protective clothing that shields your skin from UV rays, including a long-sleeved shirt, pants, a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses.
  • Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher every day to help block harmful UVA and UVB rays. Remember to reapply every two hours or after swimming or sweating.

This month also marks a good time to schedule an annual skin care exam. Providers at Goshen Center for Cancer Care offer full-body skin exams and checks of specific spots that may cause concern. A referral is not required, call (574) 364-2888 to schedule a skin screening.

"Patients appreciate the convenience and ease of getting a skin screening, diagnosis and treatment by cancer experts, close to home,” said Randy Christophel, Goshen Health President and Chief Executive Officer. "We encourage everyone to make skin screenings a part of their healthcare routine."

Regular skin self-exams can help you look for changes in your skin. Referred to as the “ABCDEs of melanoma”, these simple cues can help you find signs of cancer before it spreads.

A – Asymmetry on one half compared to the other
B – Borders are uneven
C – Color is dark, black or multiple colors
D – Diameter is greater than the size of a pencil eraser
E – Evolving or changing in size, shape and color

If you find a spot that concerns you, talk with your primary care provider or dermatologist. Or contact Goshen Center for Cancer Care, (574) 364-2888 for more information about skin protection or to schedule a skin screening.

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