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Debido al aumento de enfermedades respiratorias en la comunidad, Goshen Hospital ha implementado restricciones para las visitas. Infórmese.

El nuevo escáner de tomografía computarizada ofrece imágenes más precisas


Goshen Hospital recently installed a GE Revolution Apex computed tomography (CT) scanner to provide sharper, more accurate images while reducing exposure to radiation. In addition, the new imaging machine will allow the hospital to scan pediatric patients quicker.
“This new technology will allow us to do a ‘one-beat’ cardiac scan in one rotation. It scans in a quarter of the time, which can be life saving for emergency room and trauma patients,” said Michelle Sinkovics, MHA, Director of Imaging at Goshen Hospital. “It also gives us a much larger detector coverage than what was previously available.”
“Imaging plays an important role in treating patients who come to us in an emergency, as well as for patients with cancer or heart disease,” said Randy Christophel, Goshen Health President and CEO. “We rely on innovative technology like this new imaging machine to enhance our healthcare team’s ability to deliver outstanding care and services to the people of our community.”
Goshen Hospital began using the new CT imaging machine this month. CT scans are used to diagnose or obtain information on internal injuries and bleeding; bone and joint problems, like complex fractures and tumors; cancer; and heart disease.

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