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Debido al aumento de enfermedades respiratorias en la comunidad, Goshen Hospital ha implementado restricciones para las visitas. Infórmese.

La enfermera de práctica avanzada Tracy Ford se une a Urgent Care Goshen Physicians


Tracy Ford, FNP-BC, CWCN-AP, has joined Urgent Care Goshen Physicians, where she will focus on diagnosing and treating injuries and illnesses that require immediate medical attention.

Ford brings over 10 years of experience as a registered nurse. In addition to providing urgent care, she has training in advanced wound care and has managed wound care for residents of rehabilitation and long-term care facilities. She also has served as a wellness program educator for an employee program where she helped educate and coach participants to improve their health.

“Tracy brings extensive experience in caring for patients in an urgent care setting,” said Randy Christophel, Goshen Health President and Chief Executive Officer. “Her expertise and compassion will give patients with immediate medical needs greater access to care.”

Ford earned a Master of Science in Nursing and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Indiana University, South Bend, Indiana.

Ford Tracy
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