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Debido al aumento de enfermedades respiratorias en la comunidad, Goshen Hospital ha implementado restricciones para las visitas. Infórmese.

Protéjase contra el cáncer colorrectal, programe su prueba de deteccion de heces hoy mismo.


To raise awareness of the importance of colorectal cancer screening, Goshen Center for Cancer Care is mailing free FIT kits to people who qualify. A FIT kit is a fecal immunochemical test kit that allows a qualifying individual to gather a stool sample in the privacy of their home and mail it into a lab for analysis.
A FIT kit identifies signs of blood in the stool, which can signal a problem. If the results show abnormalities or changes, the next step is a diagnostic colonoscopy. The free FIT kits will be offered to our communities for three months.
“While a colonoscopy screening is still the gold standard for colorectal cancer prevention, we also know that FIT kits can be a good first step in screening to qualifying individuals,” said Randy Christophel, Goshen Health President and Chief Executive Officer. “We are thrilled to be offering these free in-home screening tests and making a difference in the health of our community.”
A few of the requirements to qualify for a free FIT kit are being between the ages of 45 and 74, not having had a colonoscopy in the last 10 years and not having a personal or family history of colorectal cancer. Go to and take the short quiz to see if you qualify.
Excluding skin cancers, colorectal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer and the second-leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S. That’s why it’s important to talk with your primary care provider about your risk factors and get screened if you are age 45 or over.

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