El programa THRIVE ofrecerá un seminario web GRATUITO: Manténgase al tanto de la reducción de riesgos y las pruebas de detección
Join our panel of experts during a free webinar hosted by Goshen Health to learn how annual screening mammograms and simple lifestyle modifications can lower your risk for developing breast cancer. Panel members include:
Dr. Fiona Denham, Breast Surgical Oncologist, Goshen Retreat Women’s Health Center
Dr. Jody Barber, Radiologist, Goshen Retreat Women’s Health Center
Dr. Emily Moore, Naturopathic Doctor, Goshen Center for Cancer Care
The webinar is scheduled for Tuesday, October 13, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. A live question and answer session with the panel will follow the presentation. All attendees of this live event will be entered into a raffle to win one of 5 Art Box subscriptions! Any community member interested in learning more is encouraged to attend.
Participants must pre-register in order to receive a link to access the webinar. To register, go to GoshenHealth.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YDJPyrfrQDmz_k9sY3mFDQ. For more information or questions about the webinar, call (574) 364-2496.