Goshen Physicians offers drive-thru flu shots
Goshen Physicians will be hosting drive-thru flu shot clinics this fall. These clinics are open to the community for ages 10 and older. The flu vaccine is free with most insurance plans. Cash, check and credit card will also be accepted. No prior registration is necessary, but participants should bring a photo ID, insurance card and payment method. Parent\/guardian signature is required for those under 18.
\r\nClinic dates are listed below and posted at GoshenHealth.com\/Health-Library\/Drive-thru-Flu-Shots. Note, clinics will be held at Goshen Physicians offices, but they are open to anyone – being a current patient is not required.
\r\nA flu shot is more important than ever this year. It’s the best way to protect yourself – and indirectly your family and your coworkers – from getting the flu.
\r\n “With the fall influenza season fast approaching, our challenges will increase as we have to sort out the virus that causes COVID-19 from other respiratory viruses,” said Dr. Dan Nafziger, Goshen Hospital Chief Medical Officer and Infectious Disease Specialist.
\r\nFlu symptoms tend to be worse than a cold. The flu can lead to sinus and ear infections, pneumonia, bacterial infections or hospitalization. For people who already have medical conditions like asthma, diabetes or heart disease, the flu can make their conditions worse and lead to serious complications.
\r\nFlu shots prevent 40 percent of flu-related hospitalizations among adults and 82 percent of admissions into an intensive care unit.<\/p>\r\n\r\n
Drive-thru flu shot clinic schedule: <\/strong>
\r\nSeptember 19<\/strong>
\r\n9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
\r\nGoshen Physicians Family Medicine","Keystone
\r\n1814 Charlton Ct.
\r\nGoshen, IN 46526
\r\nSeptember 26<\/strong>
\r\n9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
\r\nGoshen Physicians Internal Medicine
\r\n2024 Dorchester Ct.
\r\nGoshen, IN 46526
\r\nSeptember 30<\/strong>
\r\n5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
\r\nGoshen Physicians Family Medicine","Keystone
\r\n1814 Charlton Ct.
\r\nGoshen, IN 46526
\r\nOctober 3<\/strong>
\r\n9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
\r\nGoshen Physicians Family Medicine","Syracuse
\r\n1033 N Indiana Ave.
\r\nSyracuse, IN 46567
\r\nOctober 7<\/strong>
\r\n5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
\r\nGoshen Physicians Internal Medicine
\r\n2024 Dorchester Ct.
\r\nGoshen, IN 46526
\r\nAdditional clinic dates will be announced on the Goshen Health Facebook page<\/a>.<\/p>"]