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Bone Cancer (Osteosarcoma)

General Information

Osteosarcoma is a rare bone cancer, with about 1,000 new cases in the U.S. each year. It most commonly affects children, teens and young adults, and accounts for about 3 percent of childhood cancer cases. Osteosarcoma can develop in any bone, but usually develops in bones that grow quickly, such as the thigh bone, shinbone and upper arm bone.

This cancer is thought to start from a mesenchymal stem cell, which develops into fibrous tissue, cartilage or bone. Rarely, these stem cells that become bone – osteoblasts – become cancer cells.

If you have been diagnosed with osteosarcoma, Goshen Center for Cancer Care can help. With our patient navigation program, you can find the extra support you need before, during and after treatment. We create a treatment plan that cares for your complete well-being and looks beyond your cancer.

To learn more, request an appointment or call (888) 492-4673 to talk with our oncology information specialists.

Osteosarcoma symptoms

The most common sign of osteosarcoma is pain that most often occurs around the knee or upper arm. In the early stages, the pain may come and go and worsen at night or with activity. It may also cause a limp if it’s in the leg. Eventually, the pain may be present at rest and wake you at night. Other symptoms include swelling in the painful area and fractures.

Since kids can experience bone pain from noncancerous conditions like overuse injuries and growing pains, it’s important to talk to your doctor for an evaluation.

Osteosarcoma treatment that focuses on your quality of life

Goshen Center for Cancer Care has a fully integrated approach to treating cancer. You work with board certified, fellowship trained oncologists, naturopathic physicians and mind-body counselors to care for your complete well-being, not just cancer.

Surgery to remove the tumor and some surrounding healthy tissue is the main osteosarcoma treatment. To protect your quality of life, our goal is to maintain as much normal function and appearance and possible. However, it’s sometimes necessary to amputate the limb. In addition, you may need chemotherapy.

Our team wants to help you thrive, not just survive, as you undergo treatment. Call (888) 492-4673 to learn more about your treatment options.

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*Note: Some offices may require a referral to schedule an appointment.