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Food Poisoning
General Information
Consuming food that’s been contaminated with germs is the main cause of food poisoning. Also known as foodborne illnesses, about 1 in 6 Americans experience food poisoning every year. Most cases of food poisoning respond well to rest and fluids. However, serious cases of food poisoning require prompt treatment to prevent complications. The team at Urgent Care Goshen Physicians is here to help seven days a week.
With complete diagnostic services and stabilization care, you can trust us for fast treatment for conditions that aren’t life-threatening. Visit our urgent care center for food poisoning symptoms or call (574) 535-1700 for an appointment.
Food poisoning symptoms
The symptoms of food poisoning vary depending on what’s causing the infection. Generally, people with mild food poisoning experience:
- Nausea and vomiting
- Frequent diarrhea
- Stomach pain and cramps
- Fever
- Symptoms of dehydration, including headache, dry mouth and fatigue
When to seek urgent medical care
Serious cases of food poisoning can lead to organ damage and life-threatening dehydration.
Call 911 or visit the emergency room for these symptoms:
- Fever higher than 101 degrees Fahrenheit
- Seizures or muscle cramps
- Difficulty breathing or swallowing
- Confusion
- Vision changes
- Dizziness
- Change or loss of consciousness
- Severe diarrhea and vomiting, which may be bloody or very dark
Preventing and treating food poisoning
Food poisoning typically resolves on its own within 1 to 10 days. If rest and fluids don’t help, our urgent care providers may treat dehydration with:
- Electrolytes for severe dehydration
- Antibiotics for severe food poisoning caused by bacteria
- Monitoring for complications to provide prompt intervention
You can help prevent foodborne illnesses by handling food properly. Follow these tips to prevent food poisoning:
- Wash fruits and vegetables before eating them.
- Throw away expired food and food that looks or smells bad.
- Clean and dry kitchen surfaces used to handle raw meat, seafood and eggs.
- Heat foods to their proper temperature.
- Throw out foods that have been unrefrigerated for more than two hours.
Food poisoning symptoms that get worse or don’t improve within a few days require medical evaluation, especially for children and the elderly. Visit Urgent Care Goshen Physicians for quality walk-in care.