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Groin Injuries

General Information

A common sports injury, a groin injury is a stretch, tear or rupture of a muscle or tendon in the groin. Severity ranges from mild (grade 1) to severe (grade 3):

  • Grade 1: Mild pain, with some tightness and tenderness after exercise
  • Grade 2: Moderate pain, swelling and bruising
  • Grade 3: Severe pain, swelling and bruising, with difficulty walking

Groin injuries can be painful, but they usually resolve with time and the right treatment. At Goshen Orthopedics, we can help prevent groin injuries from becoming chronic and affecting your ability to participate in sports or other activities.

Our team of board certified providers is committed to the community and supporting athletes and nonathletes alike. If you need healing from a groin injury, make an appointment by calling (574) 534-2548.

Treating groin pain at Goshen Orthopedics

Groin injuries happen when you suddenly change direction with one foot planted firmly on the ground. A force, fall or jump could also cause your muscle to stretch, tear or rupture.

When you visit our providers, the first step is to diagnose the injured groin and determine a grade. We personalize your treatment plan to your individual needs with the goal of returning you to your favorite activities as soon as possible. Your treatment plan may include resting, icing, compressing and elevating (the RICE method) your groin injury, as well as taking anti-inflammatories to reduce inflammation and pain. A grade 3 groin injury may require orthopedic surgery to repair the ruptured muscle.

Preventing a torn or pulled groin

Our orthopedic and sports medicine specialists can show you stretches and techniques to strengthen your adductor muscles and prevent another groin injury. We consider your entire well-being and quality of life when making suggestions.

Trust us to help you get back in the game through our collaborative, compassionate care.

Are you a new or existing patient?
*Note: Some offices may require a referral to schedule an appointment.