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Shin Splints

General Information

Has pain in your shins kept you from running or enjoying other activities? Shin splints, or tibial stress syndrome, are a common sports injury. They’re the inflammation of your tendons, muscles and bone tissues in the front of your lower leg.

If you have shin splints, you’ll notice pain and mild swelling in both of your shins that comes after your activities and disappears with rest. Eventually, the pain is continuous.

At Goshen Orthopedics, we partner with schools and sports centers in the local community to keep our athletes healthy and performing at their best. Our experts understand how frustrating sports injuries like shin splints can be.

Visit our sports medicine specialists to diagnose and treat shin splints with compassionate care. To make an appointment call (574) 534-2548.

What causes shin splints?

When you visit a Goshen Orthopedics provider, they will explain that shin splints are a repetitive stress injury caused by overuse. The muscles that attach to your shinbones repeatedly pull on the bone, causing inflammation over time.

Most common to runners, shin splints often start after changes in your activity, such as frequency, intensity or duration. Rigid arches, flat feet, calf tightness, wearing ill-fitting or worn-out shoes and running on uneven surfaces can also cause this problem.

Shin splint recovery with Goshen Orthopedics

Rest is the most effective shin splints treatment. Ice your shins and take ibuprofen to decrease inflammation. You can try returning to your activities once you are pain free for two weeks.

Our sports medicine specialists will work with you to create a plan that helps prevent shin splints from returning and avoid a stress fracture.

Our team of experienced providers includes a foot and ankle specialist, former NFL consulting physician and dedicated Orthopedics nurse practitioner. Trust us with your Orthopedics care as you enjoy your favorite activities.

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*Note: Some offices may require a referral to schedule an appointment.