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Sleep Disorders

General Information

Say goodnight to sleep disorders

Everyone misses a little sleep now and then. But if your sleeping problem becomes chronic or long term, you may have a sleep disorder. Not getting enough sleep can interfere with your daytime activities, affecting your quality of life. It can also increase your risk of health problems such as obesity, heart disease, depression and diabetes.

Goshen Physicians Sleep & Allergy Medicine has a full range of treatment options for sleep disorders. Our patients often experience rapid and significant relief and find that a good night’s sleep can result in a whole new outlook on life.

Your primary care provider may want to refer you to Goshen Physicians Sleep & Allergy Medicine for further testing and treatment from a board certified sleep specialist.


Relief from sleep disorders and related headache

The link between headaches and sleep disorders is complicated, but very real. People who experience chronic headaches and migraines are up to eight times more likely to have a sleep disorder. On the other hand, lack of sleep or poor sleep quality can trigger headaches. It can become a cycle that takes time to break.

Are you caught in a pattern of sleeping problems and chronic headaches? Take a sleep disorders risk assessment. Our board certified sleep specialists can provide personalized treatment for sleep disorders and headache.

We Can Help

Call to learn more about our approach to sleep disorders and allergies at Goshen Physicians Sleep & Allergy Medicine.

Are you a new or existing patient?
*Note: Some offices may require a referral to schedule an appointment.