Goshen Health comienza una evaluación de las necesidades de salud de la comunidad
In 2021, Goshen Health is conducting a community health needs assessment. Through surveys, focus groups and conversations involving community members and a range of nonprofit, for-profit and governmental groups, the current health needs of the communities being served will be identified and response strategies developed.
Goshen Health conducts a community health needs assessment every three years. The overarching goal is to create a long-term plan that improves community health and wellness. This goal is achieved through broad-based engagement, healthcare education, preventive services and compassionate care.
Randy Christophel, President & CEO of Goshen Health stated, “In a COVID-19 era, we need to understand the changing health needs of this region to effectively serve our community. We continue to listen to all segments of our community as we develop the best possible response plans.”
Goshen Health has invited key community stakeholders to serve with Goshen Health Colleagues on a Community Advisory Council. The Community Advisory Council will help identify and prioritize the health needs and assist with the assessment process.
Christophel went on to say, “Our goal is to create both short and long-term plans that improve community health and wellness through broad-based engagement, healthcare education, preventive services and compassionate care.”
Goshen Health is committed to partnering with individuals and organizations to create a community where wellness, health and safety are integral to interpersonal relationships, organizational life and the physical environment.