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Debido al aumento de enfermedades respiratorias en la comunidad, Goshen Hospital ha implementado restricciones para las visitas. Infórmese.

Goshen Hospital obtiene la calificación de 4 estrellas de CMS


Goshen Hospital recently achieved a 4-star rating from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Care Compare program. The national average is a 3-star rating for hospitals participating in the program.
Areas of excellence for the hospital’s performance included low readmission rates for patients with heart failure, pneumonia and stroke and low infection rates for surgical sites and catheter associated urinary tract infections when compared to other hospitals nationally.
“Delivering excellence in patient care remains the highest priority for our Colleagues. Receiving a high rating from CMS recognizes our dedication to improving the health of our communities,” said Randy Christophel, Goshen Health President and CEO.

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