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Debido al aumento de enfermedades respiratorias en la comunidad, Goshen Hospital ha implementado restricciones para las visitas. Infórmese.

Goshen Hospital recibe altas calificaciones de los pacientes hospitalizados


Goshen Hospital’s inpatients consistently rated the hospital higher than the ratings received by other peer hospitals, when compared to a database of over 2,300 hospitals across the nation. Patients were asked questions about the hospital environment, communication with nurses and doctors, response of hospital staff, communication about medications and discharge information.
“We exceeded our peers by far in how our patients rate their experiences with Goshen Hospital. We rank above average in every category. In many categories, we are above the 80th percentile,” said Randy Christophel, Goshen Health President and CEO. “We’re so proud of our Colleagues – and the improvements we’ve been able to make in our facility with the support of our community.”
These results were based on surveys received this year from January through March. To monitor patient satisfaction, Goshen Hospital employs Press Ganey Associates to develop and distribute patient surveys. Press Ganey is a South Bend-based company that develops and distributes patient satisfaction surveys for the healthcare industry nationwide.

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